Valley Daycare LLC. does not discriminate based on race, color, creed, ancestry, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation, economic status, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its admissions & educational policies or other school-administered programs.
Complete the
Due to the nature of our programs and the childcare shortage in Sullivan County, applying for admission does not guarantee your child a seat. Applications are processed as they are received. We suggest completing the application process 6-9 months before your desired enrollment date to ensure your child is on the wait list for vacant spots. It is essential to understand that full-time students have priority enrollment for economic reasons.
You will be contacted to schedule a tour. Tours are held in the evening, after business hours, to ensure the safety of the children in our care.
If you do not require a tour, you will be required to participate in an interview with an administrator to find our if Valley Daycare is the right fit for your family.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does a daily schedule look like?
While each classroom has their own routine specifically designed for their student’s needs, you can expect your child to experience small and large group activities, music and movement, art, and plenty of outdoor time.
Are meals and snacks provided?
We provide a healthy morning and afternoon snack. Parents are responsible for providing a preprepared packed lunch.
Do you offer family discounts or finacial aid?
We do not offer sibling discounts. However, Valley Daycare does accept County provided Child Care Subsidy.
* All students are required to be immunized, unless they have a medical waiver signed by a doctor.
What do I need to pack?
Children should come prepared with lunch, nap materials, changes of clothes, diapers and wipes if applicable. We will also need seasonal items such as snow suits and bathing suits.
Do you accommodate food allergies, food intolerances, and dietary preferences?
Yes, we can accommodate most food allergies, intolerances, and preferences. Together, we will make a healthcare meal plan that meets your child's needs.
How do you communicate with parents?
We use Brightwheel, which allows parents to directly connect to their child's caregiver and the director. Photos, updates, and happenings are posted daily.
Tuition Rates & Fees

Subsidy and Third Party Payers
Valley Daycare accepts subsidy childcare payments from third party agencies with a signed subsidy agreement form ensuring that any remaining balances will be settled upon program completion.
Subsidy rates are determined on a case-by-case basis by your county. Valley Daycare tuition may be equal to or above the county determined median. Parents are responsible for the difference in county and business rates.
For more information call directly at 845-250-4110